WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (2024)

Sunday, June 30, 2024 1:20 AM Local Time (about 16 minutes ago)

Assorted End-of-Day Chip Counts

Conrad De Armas1,250,0001,250,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (1)
Eric Garma1,247,000952,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (2)
Connor Drinan970,000970,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (3)
Fernando Habegger933,000193,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (4)
Cong Pham879,000459,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (5)
Caleb Furth875,000875,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (6)
tomer Daniel778,000778,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (7)
Aaron Katz751,000751,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (8)
Juha Helppi751,000625,500 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (9)
Chino Rheem734,000-56,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (10)
Tom Bedell720,000720,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (11)
Michael Duek713,000378,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (12)
Isaac Kempton630,000235,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (13)
Travis Pearson611,000470,400 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (14)
Daniel Negreanu525,00060,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (15)
Ben Lamb513,000313,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (16)
Viktor Blom480,000110,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (17)
Artur Martirosian423,000223,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (18)
Phil Ivey412,000112,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (19)
Nick Schulman349,000229,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (20)
Arthur Morris334,000334,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (21)
Jared Bleznick313,00023,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (22)
Dylan Linde233,00058,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (23)
Martin Zamani230,000170,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (24)
Jim Collopy206,00075,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (25)
Kane Kalas172,000172,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (26)
Ren Lin154,000-71,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (27)
David Williams70,000-165,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (28)

Sunday, June 30, 2024 1:16 AM Local Time (about 20 minutes ago)

Play Done For the Day

Players are now bagging and tagging for the evening.

Stay tuned for a recap of Day 1.

Sunday, June 30, 2024 1:16 AM Local Time (about 20 minutes ago)

Winter Wins a Stack in the Last Hand

While the other tables were bagging up, Sean Winter was involved in a hand that resulted in him stacking his opponent.

The board read and Winter shoved all in. The big blind had 77,000 chips behind and eventually dropped them into the pot.

Winter tabled for a full house, and the big blind showed .

Sean Winter605,000400,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (29)

Sunday, June 30, 2024 1:02 AM Local Time (about 34 minutes ago)

Five More Hands

The tournament director has just announced that each table will be dealt five more hands before bagging and tagging for the day.

Sunday, June 30, 2024 12:53 AM Local Time (about 43 minutes ago)

Deeb Gets Two Players Off the Pot

Shaun Deeb raised to 8,000 from the hijack, receiving a call from the button and John Hennigan, in the big blind.

The flop checked through to the on the turn. Hennigan and Deeb checked again. The button took the lead for 12,000 and both players called.

Hennigan checked once more on the river. Deeb played out of flow, leading for 31,000, which earned him two quick folds.

John Hennigan385,000240,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (30)
Shaun Deeb210,00025,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (31)

Sunday, June 30, 2024 12:52 AM Local Time (about 44 minutes ago)

Hollink Eliminates One Late in the Day

There were over 100,000 chips in the middle on a board of when the player in the small blind shoved for around 80,000, and Rob Hollink shoved for 149,000 behind. The early position player folded.

Small Blind:
Rob Hollink:

Hollink had flopped a set and managed to fade both the straight & flush draws of his opponent after the landed on the river.

Rob Hollink280,00095,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (32)

Sunday, June 30, 2024 12:51 AM Local Time (about 45 minutes ago)

Negreanu Wins Without Showdown

Sean Winter opened to 11,000 from middle position and received a call from Daniel Negreanu in the cutoff before a player on the button raised to 35,000. Winter folded while Negreanu made the call.

Both players checked the flop and turn leading to a final board of . Negreanu bet 45,000 which was enough to get a fold out of his opponent.

Daniel Negreanu465,000-25,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (33)
Sean Winter205,00070,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (34)

Sunday, June 30, 2024 12:50 AM Local Time (about 46 minutes ago)

Defending Champ Busts

Matt Shepsky was seen collecting the rest Ka Kwan Lau's chips.

Lau had gone all in preflop with and was up against Shepsky's on a completed board of — leaving Shepsky best with jacks-full of aces to send the defending champion to the rail.

Matt Shepsky280,000280,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (35)
Ka Kwan Lau0-259,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (36)

Sunday, June 30, 2024 12:42 AM Local Time (about 54 minutes ago)

Karakitukov's Stack Going Up and Down

Veselin Karakitukov has had bit of a rollercoaster over the last few minutes that has seen his stack go up and then back down.

First, Karakitukov shoved for 110,000 on a board of and got a call from the player on the button. Karakitukov showed for a full house, and beat the button's , who had a flush.

Not long after, Karakitukov was involved again, this time on a board of . There were around 170,000 chips in the pot and Karakitukov had bet 60,000 on the river, only for the player on his right to then make it 150,000. Karakitukov quickly folded.

Veselin Karakitukov220,000220,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (37)

Sunday, June 30, 2024 12:39 AM Local Time (about 57 minutes ago)

Blom Takes on Three

The player under the gun limped in and Viktor Blom raised to 18,000 from the hijack. The button, small blind and the original limper all called.

The flop saw the action check to Blom, who sized up to 38,000. All three of Blom's opponents thought better than to see a turn card, each choosing to fold.

Viktor Blom370,00010,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (38)

Sunday, June 30, 2024 12:34 AM Local Time (about 1 hour and 2 minutes ago)

Habegger Leads Into Astedt

Santhosh Suvarna limped in from early position, Niklas Astedt limped behind in the cutoff, a player in the small blind limped behind and Fernando Habegger checked in the big blind.

The flop came and action checked around to Astedt who bet 15,000. Only Habegger called.

On the turn, Habegger fired a pot-sized bet and Astedt quickly folded.

Fernando Habegger740,000-145,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (39)
Santhosh Suvarna365,000-25,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (40)
Niklas Astedt260,000-290,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (41)

Sunday, June 30, 2024 12:25 AM Local Time (about 1 hour and 11 minutes ago)

Lin Scores a Bust Out on the First Hand of His Fresh Bullet

WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (42)

Ren Lin had just sat down with a fresh starting stack and raised to 14,000 from early position. The cutoff called and Shiva Dudani moved all in for 57,000 from the big blind. Lin moved all in himself and the hijack went into the tank.

"Let me go home!" chanted Lin as he erupted from his seat. The hijack eventually folded and the hand went to a showdown.

Shiva Dudani:
Ren Lin:

The board ran out ; Lin turned a set to eliminate Dudani on the last level of the day.

Ren Lin225,000-20,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (43)
Shiva Dudani0-182,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (44)

Sunday, June 30, 2024 12:24 AM Local Time (about 1 hour and 12 minutes ago)

Bleznick Slowplays the Nuts

Bryce Yockey raised to 14,000 under the gun and was called by Sean Troha on the button and Jared Bleznick in the small blind.

Bleznick led out for 35,000 on the flop and only Yockey called.

Bleznick then check-called a 30,000 bet from Yockey on the turn.

Both players checked down on the river and Bleznick turned over for the nut flush to claim the pot.

Bryce Yockey530,000418,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (45)
Jared Bleznick290,000195,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (46)
Sean Troha210,000210,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (47)

Sunday, June 30, 2024 12:20 AM Local Time (about 1 hour and 16 minutes ago)

Scott Nears a Million

There were well over 400,000 chips in the pot on a board of . Jordan Scott and Ben Lamb were the ones involved and once it got to showdown, Scott tabled for two pair, and Lamb mucked.

Jordan Scott900,000750,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (48)
Mostafa Haidary270,000165,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (49)
Ben Lamb200,000-590,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (50)

Sunday, June 30, 2024 12:17 AM Local Time (about 1 hour and 19 minutes ago)

Ivey Forces Three Folds

Phil Ivey opened from under the gun and received calls from players in early position, middle position and the big blind.

On the flop, action checked around to Ivey who fired a 15,000 continuation bet, receiving a call only from the early position player.

Ivey fired a second barrel for 25,000 on the turn and this time it was enough to get a fold out of his one remaining opponent.

Phil Ivey300,00055,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (51)

Sunday, June 30, 2024 12:12 AM Local Time (about 1 hour and 24 minutes ago)

Matakis Takes It on the River

The pot stood at approximately 50,000 with three players looking at a board of .

The small blind bet out for 21,000 prompting a fold from the hijack and a call from Ian Matakis, on the button.

The river slowed down the small blind. Matakis took the initiative with a bet of 35,000 and the small blind went into the tank, finally deciding on a fold.

Ian Matakis217,00042,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (52)

Sunday, June 30, 2024 12:10 AM Local Time (about 1 hour and 26 minutes ago)

Chidwick Reveals Three of His Cards

With around 100,000 chips in the pot and a board that read , the action checked to Stephen Chidwick, who fired 51,000. His opponent made a quick fold.

Chidwick tabled to the table but kept one card face down and sent it into the muck.

Stephen Chidwick220,00085,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (53)

Sunday, June 30, 2024 12:04 AM Local Time (about 1 hour and 32 minutes ago)

Level 10 started

Level: 10

Blinds: 2,000/4,000

Ante: 4,000

Saturday, June 29, 2024 11:57 PM Local Time (about 1 hour and 39 minutes ago)

Updated Chip Counts

Fernando Habegger885,000375,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (54)
Ben Lamb790,000160,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (55)
Chino Rheem790,000-10,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (56)
Christian Harder725,000725,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (57)
Jonathan Azoulay650,000650,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (58)
Niklas Astedt550,000132,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (59)
Isaac Haxton510,000-10,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (60)
Daniel Negreanu490,000-10,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (61)
Felipe Ramos440,000280,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (62)
Nacho Barbero420,000-135,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (63)
Isaac Kempton395,000-115,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (64)
Santhosh Suvarna390,000-160,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (65)
Alex Foxen375,000190,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (66)
Michael Duek335,000-105,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (67)
Justin Smith305,000120,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (68)
Phil Ivey245,000-45,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (69)
Noah Boeken240,00098,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (70)
David Williams235,000-5,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (71)
Sonny Franco230,000-70,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (72)
Artur Martirosian200,00029,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (73)
Tim Van Loo200,00020,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (74)
Alex Livingston195,000-10,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (75)
Dylan Weisman192,0002,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (76)
Josh Arieh190,00013,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (77)
Shaun Deeb185,00060,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (78)
Barney Boatman180,000-5,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (79)
Ian Matakis175,000-26,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (80)
Cliff Josephy150,000-72,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (81)
John Hennigan145,00050,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (82)
Michael Rocco140,000140,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (83)
Sean Winter135,000-5,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (84)
Stephen Chidwick135,000-93,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (85)
Nick Schulman120,000-30,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (86)
Erick Lindgren120,000-45,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (87)
Jared Bleznick95,000-450,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (88)
Martin Zamani60,000-78,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (89)
Omar Eljach55,000-170,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (90)
David Diaz50,0000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (91)
Sam Soverel20,0003,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (92)

Saturday, June 29, 2024 11:56 PM Local Time (about 1 hour and 40 minutes ago)

Super Delayed Continuation Bet Gets It Done for Haxton

Isaac Haxton raised to 11,000 from the cutoff, receiving one call from the button.

Both players took their time on each street as they checked to the river. The full board now read .

Haxton placed a very delayed continuation bet of 15,000, sending the button into the tank. Haxton's opponent finally settled on a fold, sending his cards to the muck.

Isaac Haxton520,00095,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (93)
WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (2024)


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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

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Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.