Blitzo and Moxxie, Sometimes Friends - Chapter 1 - Cranberryfriend (2024)

Chapter Text

Chapter One

Moxxie finished up packing for him and Millie while she was being bandaged up by her mother, Moxxie checking and double checking that all her things were in the right bags.

They had Even packed the gun...opting to take it with them...maybe even give it up to Stolas.

He wasn’t sure.

Whatever The boss decided would be fine with him...he just wanted to go home and forget about that slithery snakey bastard.

He rubbed his sore neck, zipping up one of Millie’s suitcases carefully.

“My phone in here?”

He jumped, Blitzo barging in the room to sniff around.

Moxxie rolled his eyes, “Sir, why would your phone be in here?”

“Uhhh…” He closed a drawer. “No reason. Not uh. Not from chilling in here while you were asleep,” He laughed, “No f*ckin way.”

Moxxie only gave him a scowl, continuing to zip up and look over the bags once more before Blitzo asked, “What’s that?”


“On your neck.” He smirked playfully, “Millie uh—Millie get a little too excited and uh—get too rough with ya?”

“Sir!” Moxxie pushed him off with a blush. “If you don’t mind—f*ck off!”

“Let me see itttt!”

“Quit being a pest—!”

“Come onnnnn you big baby!”

Blitzo was already back to being his annoying grabby self, tugging on Moxxie’s collar until his face got paler. “Hey that looks more like—“

Moxxie winced before pushing him off a second time. “It’s nothing. If your phones not here go on and get your annoying ass out so I can finish—“

“Who did that?”

Blitzo’s growl caught him off guard.


“It’s obviously not from Millie. So who,” He loosened Moxxie’s bow tie for a better look, “The f*ck. Did that?”

Moxxie was a bit surprised by the look of anger in his boss’s face.

He shook him off, still annoyed at the intrusion.

“I said it was nothing—“


“Fine!” He hissed, “You Wanna know so f*cking bad? I’ll tell you! Striker tried to strangle me! Are you happy now, you nosy f*ck wad? He tried to kill me, because I was too weak to stop him—-then he almost killed Millie—“ He bit his lip, feeling the tears start to well, “And damn it...I really thought we were gonna die...Really thought...I was gonna die right there in that room...right my damn in-laws house…” the tears fell, “And now I’m crying like some big ole baby! So Thanks a lot for making me think about it you big f*ckin jer—“

Moxxie was pulled into a hug, his eyes wide in surprise as his boss held him close.

“S—“ He squeaked, “Sir?”

“He wouldn’t have escaped alive.”


“I said Striker wouldn’t have escaped at all,” He hugged him more tightly, “If I had known he did that…”

Moxxie’s chest thumped, and just like a second ago more tears fell down his face, clinging to Blitzo’s back as he let them soak his boss’s shoulder.
They stood like that for a little while until Moxxie’s muffled sobbing returned to normal sniffling, Blitzo breaking the hug to clear his throat.

“Yeah. Um. Okay. Uh. Feel any. Better?”

“I—“ A soft hiccup, “I don’t know…”

His hands were still on Moxxie’s shoulders, watching his employee of the month wipe his wet face.

“Alright, Mox. Uh.” He let him go to check his pockets. “Damn f*ck—oh. Here we go. Uh. Take uh,” He handed him a handkerchief from his pocket, Moxxie blowing his nose into it loudly.

“Ew. Okay—oh. You’re giving it back. Thank you. Yep. Not,” He had to shake his hand real good to get it unstuck from him, “Not disgusting at all. Actually yes, it is—“

Another whimper.

“But not THAT gross. No. Not that—“ He tried to save it. “Not. Not when you do it.—“

“Did you mean it?”


Moxxie stared at him with watery eyes. “Just a second ago. When you said—“


“R-Really Sir?”


He just HAD to go in for the hug and make him cry like a little bitch, didn’t he?

“Listen, Moxxie, I may…” He winced, “I may bully you beyond belief, really think I’m gonna let some Asshole bully you instead?”

“You did.”

“Well—“ He swallowed, “True. But That’s still MY f*ckin job. And Millie’s. And Loona’s.” He grinned, “But mostly mine—I’m not gonna let some f*ckin snake Asshole kill you—anddddd you’re crying again.”

“S-sorry,” Moxxie rubbed his palms over his eyes. “I just—I don’t think you’ve ever said that to me before. And—I wanted to kick that f*cker’s ass so badly…but…All I did was almost get—“

“Moxxie,” He put his hand back on his shoulder, “Striker was better than all of us combined. So quit letting him make you feel like a weak piece of sh*t. Because, again,” He moved up to wipe a tear off his weapon expert’s face, “That’s my job. Now,” He dusted Moxxie off from the hug and fixed up his bow-tie, “You don’t want to let your in-laws see you look like a sh*t show, do you?”

“N-no Sir,” Moxxie tightened the tie and straightened up. “I certainly do not.”

“Well then. Uh. Mox—“

“Thank you, Sir.”

Blitzo blinked in surprise, his employee--friend--looking at him with genuine gratitude for the first time in a long time.

He smiled, “You’re welcome. And Moxxie?”

“Yes, Sir?”

“Lose the snot.”

Blitzo and Moxxie, Sometimes Friends - Chapter 1 - Cranberryfriend (2024)


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Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.